Helps the students to decorate and protect the book
Improves the shelf life of the books
Book Binding club helps the students to decorate and protect the book from the elements -it is often a critical factor in determining a book's values and work in the real book landscape.The aim of this club is to connect enthusiasts of book binding and to bring us together on a regular basis to encourage sharing of our book binding projects ,ideas and skills.
Book binding is a process of physically assembling a book of codex format from an ordered stack of paper sheets that are folded together into sections or sometimes left as a stack of individual sheets.Itis a great technique that you to produce beautifully customized handcrafted books from a range of material.
Binding make the book and project reports look good.It improves the shelf life of the books and project reports.
Binding the documents, loose papers and projects increase their longevity and keep them intact.